My thoughts*

  • My thoughts*,  Teaching*

    I’ve Been Googled*

    Yesterday I learned that of my biggest fears about teaching finally happened: I’ve been Googled. I underestimated my apparently internet-savvy class who, I assume, were bored over the weekend and decided to Google their favourite student teacher. Thankfully I am a wholesome young lady and there are no clandestine photos of yours truly all over the internet. However, they DID find something. As I popped in to chat with my former AT over lunch a student came running in the room nearly breathless with excitement to see that I was there. Student: “Mrs. Shop Girl! I saw your video!” (Confusion settles over me) Me: “Pardon me? What video?” Student: “Your…

  • My thoughts*,  Random Junk*


    I am home. I’m sorry for the delay in posting–I had hoped to post on Sunday night, but we didn’t get back to Senior’s City until after 9:30pm. You might be thinking, “Why, that’s lots of time to write an inspired and wonderful blog post!” and if I was an organized and a non-procrastinator you would be right. However, on my vacation, I thought it would be a good idea to leave all my planning and marking until Sunday. Ha. Needless to say, there was a frenzy of organizing and planning when I finally dug out my desk. I just thought, “I’ll get around to it on Monday. That’s when…

  • My thoughts*


    Some days I am so full of inspiration for a great blog idea I can barely wait to get to my little laptop and start writing. But then there are also those days, like tonight, when my brain is as blank as the little white box I’m supposed to start typing in. I’ve been waiting here for nearly an hour waiting for some divine intervention to deliver me a fabulous blog post… and… …nope. So, here is my question–to all you wonderful bloggers out there (whose blogs I looove to read): where do you find your inspiration for each post? And, if you’ve been reading for a while, what would…

  • My thoughts*

    X Marks the Spot*

    I think everyone has coping mechanisms to help get from day to day. For me, it used to be chocolate. I’m not sure if I can put into words how much I loved chocolate. I could eat it in the morning (Dear Inventor of Nutella, I love you. Affectionately, Me.), in the afternoon, I could eat it in the evening, and underneath the moon. (skinnamarinky dinky dink, anyone? Anyone?) Truth be told, I ate it waaaay too often and ate waaaay too much of it. So, I broke up with chocolate in August. Our separation has been going well– with only a few moments of weakness where I considered reconciliation.…

  • My thoughts*

    Interview Me*

    Last week Karen posted a neat interview-style blog. I thought it would be fun to participate, so these are the questions she created for me! 1. Describe or post a picture of your very favorite pair of shoes in your closet. When you did buy them? What did you buy them for? Why are they your favorite? Oh, sweet mother. That’s like asking me to pick a needle from a haystack! haha! I have many favourite shoes and for many different reasons. Here we go: Casual Shoe – I have these old, suede flat shoes I bought at Payless a hundred years ago that are SO comfortable. I wear them…