
  • Letters*,  Parenting is hard sometimes.,  Mom Stuff

    It’s Not Cool to be Cold*

    Dear children and youth, It snowed last night. It’s -14°C with the wind chill this morning. …and I just had a fight with my almost 10 year old daughter because she says she is the ONLY kid who is “forced” to wear snow pants to school. I’m 100% positive that was likely a wee exaggeration on her part. But in the off chance it wasn’t, I have a few pearls of wisdom for you, dear kids, gained from my many years of experience of, you know, life: Snow pants are cool.Warm hats see cool.Warm hands inside of warm gloves are cool.(Actually, they are just plain warm, which is even better.)Zippers…

  • Kids,  W*,  Letters*

    Poop Happens.

    To the woman who gave me a dirty look for changing my son’s diaper in the grocery store parking lot this morning: I’m sure that seeing a poop-covered bum wasn’t on your grocery list this morning. I’m sorry about that. We had just finished our shopping and my son was crying and I thought he wanted to be fed… but I discovered the source of his discomfort as soon as I lifted him out of the seat. You’re right, I could have gone back into the store to try and change him there, but he was upset and the parking lot wasn’t busy, and changing him on the front seat…

  • Letters*

    Dear people that I don’t know all that well,

    I am so grateful to be able to have some interactions with the public again. We’ve been cooped up for so long, and we love going for walks or for an occasional trip to the store. That being said, I have a favor to ask, and I know it’s tricky because I think it’s engrained in our nature: Please don’t touch my baby. This makes me so uncomfortable to ask, but we are in the middle of a pandemic, and my beautiful son is only three months old. I know his hands and arms are deliciously rolly, but he often puts them in his mouth. When you touch his hands,…

  • Running*,  Miscarriage,  Letters*

    Dear Body,

    I was cursing you a little bit this morning. As I began a slow jog in my neighborhood, I felt an old familiar pain creep into my hip. Frustrated that that pain had the audacity to come back after taking a week off and stretching like mad, I just kept going. I want so badly to be able to do this again, so I ignored the signs you giving me to tell me to slow down. My head keeps reminding me that I was easily running 7km this time last year. I was so proud of that accomplishment. …but I am not the same person I was last summer. This…

  • Letters*,  P*

    Extra Happy Meal*

    To the kind men in the Roofing Truck who just paid for our lunch: Thank you. A million times over. I saw you smile at my Vanimal full of children as I waved you ahead in the lineup, but I never expected this. It’s P’s birthday today and this Happy Meal was his special treat. Well, you just made three kids (and one slightly over tired Mama) feel *extra* special. I will pay this forward– just you wait. Thanks for spreading kindness in the world… you just made our day. Love, The Mom in the van with all the kids. P.s. Have I mentioned how much I love where we…