Poppies, Hangry, Laundry & Giveaways*
It’s Remembrance Day today.
Today we all donned our poppies, and listened to a beautiful service at our church. Shortly after 11 we stood and had a moment of silence to honor those we’ve lost and those still serving (and P only screamed out once!). I’ve loved scrolling through social media today as it’s full of tributes and stories of family members who have served, along with old grainy photographs of men and women in service uniforms. Sometimes when I see that then look at what some kids are wearing today I can’t help but shake my head a little.
What can I say? I’m getting old.
I felt kind of off for the rest of the day, and I was snippier with the kids than I like to be. I still feel so tired a lot of the time… maybe my iron is low? I would love to bottle some of my kids energy and live off that but they hog it all to themselves.
…except when they all wake up at 6am ready to share.
I finally got all caught up with my laundry yesterday, but it meant there were five tall baskets waiting to be folded today. We have reached the point where there are more clothes in the baskets than in the drawers so I knew I needed to deal with it, but… ugh. I normally love folding laundry but I just was not feeling it today. Eventually the baskets transformed into a mountain of folded piles on my bed, so at least I can dress the kids semi-presentably tomorrow. Win!
The rest of the day was a hodge podge of couch potatoe-ing, tidying, snuggling and trying to doze on the couch while my wild animal children danced around me.
In other news, I’m pretty positive that H is sensitive to dairy. We made the kids a frozen pizza for lunch because we were all exhausted and hangry after church. We normally just scrape the cheese off, replace the pepperoni and they are fine, but today H started complaining of a sore stomach shortly after. By dinner it had morphed into full on cramps and I felt so bad for him. I’ve had him mostly off dairy for about a month now, but I think he needs to go cold turkey like S did. My poor little toads. I was really hoping that they would avoid the dairy sensitivity, but looks like we’re two for two so far. At least I know how to work with this and it won’t be a huge adjustment.
Just no more frozen pizza. :(
If you’ve been following along in my little Facebook group, I hope you’ve seen the link to “like” my new page for my blog. (You can also get there through the Facebook tab on the header bar above.) Starting tomorrow I’ll be moving all my updates there… I’ve decided that I want to stop hiding and I can go a little more public with a page than I can with a group. I feel this strange mixture of excitement and nervousness–I love that I’m writing again, but also have my fingers crossed that the person I originally went into hiding to avoid won’t find me again. I’m feeling good about it though, I’m ready to come back.
I also have a little something I’m starting tomorrow to say thank you for always reading and supporting me. I’ll be doing seven days of giveaways of things I love, and I’ll share the details on my Facebook page tomorrow. So make sure you’re following along. :)
O’tay. My eyes are closing and there is a beautifully made bed with clean sheets upstairs screaming my name. Clean sheet day is my favourite.
Time for bed.