Busy, Busy, Busy*
Somehow a whole week has gone by and it’s almost bedtime on Saturday night again. My life in teacher’s college is highly enjoyable, but also rather insane. I’m gone almost every day from 7:30am to 7:30pm. When I finally get home, my evenings are filled with readings and assignments that I am actually doing this year–I’m trying the whole “good student” bit–which take me until nearly midnight, at which time I fall into bed, utterly exhausted. And then it begins all over again the next day!
Don’t get me wrong, I’m not complaining. I’m thrilled to have a space in the program… it’s just going to be a busy year! haha!
I did have a pretty great week though. On Thursday evening, I, Shop Girl, actually went out. True story! The Education Students Association hosted a pub night and I decided to go out with some friends, and I had such a good time!! I didn’t stay out too late as I had class the next morning, but it was seriously great.
And then today I worked my last shift as a Strawberry Girl. Once I took a look at my schedule I realized that there was no way I could give up my Saturdays as I’m going to need them to survive this year. So, as of 1pm this afternoon, I am officially unemployed. And you know, it actually feels really good. I’m excited to buckle down and focus on school.
Okay. I know this is kind of a crap update-what’s-going-on-in-my-life post, but I’m tired and need to sleep! I will update the next chapter of Our Story* tomorrow, so look for that! :)
I hope you’re all well… thanks for being patient with me as I transition into teacher’s college. Once I’m in a solid routine I’ll get organized and be a wonder-blogger once again. Thanks for reading!!
Shop Girl*
P.s. I also updated my Exercise Blog with some REALLY exciting news!! :)