Back to School*
I watched another movie last night.
I’m trying not to get sucked into another TV series, so if I’m in the mood to watch something, I’ve been picking movies instead. M had hockey late last night, so I found Under the Tuscan Sun on Netflix and turned it on while I tidied the living room. I only meant to watch a half hour or so, but it was nearly midnight when it ended and I was still glued to the couch. I had never seen it before, and sort of like Julie & Julia, it ended up being about a female writer who’s writing process has stalled. She goes on a journey to find herself again, and in the process, writes her book.
I feel like the universe is trying to tell me something…
…or at least Netflix is.
Whoever is trying to speak to me: I get it. I’m listening.
School started today for my two big kids–Grade One for S, and Junior Kindergarten (JK) for H. I expected lots of nerves and a few tears, but both kids were surprisingly excited and were SO brave. Our troop of five walked to school together, and S was the first to break off. After several hugs, she bravely lined up with her new class… knowing only one other boy in the group of 20.
M was next to leave as he had to get to work, and it was then that P realized his summer fun was ending, and his entourage wouldn’t be at home with him during the day anymore. I waited in the Kinder pen with the boys while we waited for H’s new teachers, and P just couldn’t stop crying. I really thought H would be the one who would be upset, but he was more frustrated that he couldn’t just go in and had to wait around. It was almost 9:45 before he lined up and walked in without even looking back. Prince P was beside himself and cried the whole way home. I had my jolly green stroller with me, but as P was in the depths of despair I ended up carrying him home in one arm, while trying to push my giant stroller with the other.
I take my role of providing entertainment for my neighbours very seriously.
He finally settled down at home after a bowl of pretzels and some Daniel Tiger, then P and I went out on our first adventure as a duo. Let me tell you, after a summer of hauling three children around with me everywhere I went, taking one child to the store is positively dreamy. We had an exciting trip to the “Keekaw store” to buy diapers (bless you Superstore for providing free cookies to children), then I actually went shopping and bought a new pair of shoes for MYSELF. Who knew that was even still possible?! It was a magical morning.
P and I came home for a quick lunch, then he settled quickly for his nap and I found myself alone in a quiet house.
I could definitely get used to this. ;)