I Heart My Shoes*
I mentioned that I’ve been doing some thinking about the future of my blog.
I’m not going to lie, right now I find it very difficult to find time to write. Between taking care of the kids, trying to stay on top of the house and attempting to spend a little time with the Hubster, I don’t have a lot of extra time to throw around. And honestly, when those magical “free moments” appear, I’m often too burnt out to write anything coherent.
That being said, I’ve been thinking about my little blog, and I hate that I’m not writing. I started I Heart My Shoes eight years ago (eight years!) and I have chronicled so much in that time. I think about who I was back then–a newly married university student who was struggling to find herself in a new city–and I marvel at how far we’ve come. From those first posts as a shoe-obsessed second year university student, I’ve written my way through my undergrad, teacher’s college, my job search, my marriage and my entrance into parenthood. There is so much here.
But I also look at this and think: is this still me? When I started this, it seemed natural to title it after something I adored–shoes. Oh, shoes. Eight years ago I had over 100 pairs in my closet and I coveted every cute pair of heels that I saw.
Don’t get me wrong, I still love shoes. It’s just not in the same way. My collection has dwindled and quite frankly, these days I’m more interested in comfort than the latest fashion. I can’t even remember the last time I bought a pair of shoes just because I wanted to. They just aren’t my passion anymore… so I sometimes look at my blog and feel like it and I don’t fit together anymore.
In the last few years I’ve realized that my passion for shoes has diminished as I’ve discovered new passions in running my home, cooking, and my career as a teacher. I don’t feel that I’m the same person that I was when I became Shop Girl and began I Heart My Shoes. Should that matter? Does it? Should my blog change as I’ve changed over the years?
So, what do I do? I know that I want to keep writing, I just need to feel more connected to where I do it. I’ve debated whether or not it was time to end my journey here and start somewhere new, but that didn’t feel right. This has been my home for too long, and I don’t want to leave it just yet. My question now is whether it’s time to leave “I Heart My Shoes” behind and take on a new name–something more reflective of who I am today.

Just change the name of your blog.
Miss Gentle Nudge*
Don’t leave!!!!! Seriously though, I really enjoyed that post and not just because you acknowledged that you’re not leaving, but that it’s just time for a change. I haven’t been nudging you lately because you’re not that University girl anymore, you’re a wonderful mother of two who has more on her plate than your next essay due date. This blog has transformed from a pleasurable procrastination tool to a protective space to reflect and share when you want to. Thus, obviously your need for writing and your topics are going to change as you do too.
I think you should keep the general theme of the idea behind Shop Girl and her shoes, but just update it to fit your life. You may find that even a simple name change will make you feel like you want to help the new titled blog grow just like the last.
Even Cinderella found her pair of perfect shoes, maybe your journey of finding the perfect pair has come to a close since you’ve found yours (slippers in a family home? hah).
Miss you!