100 Happy Days*
I am so glad that the last two weeks are behind me.
I know I posted about Ruby’s experience with Roseola and how hard it hit my little girl. Two days after she finally started feeling herself, I started feeling a little… off. I was extremely irritable on Wednesday and I couldn’t really put a finger on what was causing it. I didn’t feel well when I went to bed, but I chalked it up to exhaustion after a long week of interrupted sleep.
I woke up in the middle of the night and knew I had a fever… and thus began the worst flu I’ve had in ages. It came with all the bells and whistles–high fever (102), nausea, loss of appetite, night sweats, chills–you name it, I had it. I didn’t really start to feel any improvement until Friday evening, and thankfully by Saturday afternoon I felt much better.
But it was just awful. It was the kind of sickness that just makes you curl up into a ball and cry because you feel so awful.
Which is exactly how the Hubster found me when he got home from work on Thursday. Thankfully my sweet Hubs took both the kids and put me to bed for a nap.
We are all healthy and well now, and I spent the weekend disinfecting my house. (Sickness, be gone!)
While I was sick I spent a lot of time laying down, which resulted in a lot of time spent scrolling through my Facebook and Twitter feeds. I kept seeing my friends post things with this hashtag: #100happydays. Their posts were so cute and uplifting that I decided to do a little digging, and I found a website that asked this question:

It’s such a simple concept. Of course I can be happy for 100 days in a row… right? The difference is that this challenges you to actually stop and think about being happy, or at least to think about something that has made you happy that day. It asks you to take a minute to think about that something, take a photo, and share it with the world. It makes you press pause on a crazy, hectic, bad day to find something that made you smile.
I love it.
Today was day 2 for me, and I’ll be posting all my photos on Instagram & my Facebook page. Feel free to follow along, and if you’re up for it, do it with me! (Dooo it!)
Can you be happy for 100 days in a row?
(I believe in you!)