Another Day Down*
Another day down and this wee babe is still cozy in my belly.
Tomorrow I will be 39 weeks pregnant, according to my original due date. It’s looking more and more like he will be arriving closer to the 24th, which I am perfectly okay with. Olivia returns on Wednesday (yay!) and every day I am able to check a few more things off of our bebe to-do list.
Our new room in the basement is so close to being finished. The floors are in, walls are painted and baseboards are up–we just need to finish the trim around the window, put up the crown molding and hang some type of window covering. We’ve already moved the furniture down, but I want to wait until we have everything finished before I post a picture.
(Are you following me on Instagram / Facebook yet? I like pictures.)
We have just about everything cleared out of this little peanut’s new room upstairs, and we finally picked out our paint on Friday. We decided on a soft green color, and I think it will look awesome with our plans for the room. I’ll give you a sneak peek once we get some up on the walls!
I’ve been busy organizing clothes and diapers, and trying to equip myself with all the little things I forgot I needed. I’ve also been trying to stay on top of the housework, so that if I go into labor I won’t be worrying about dirty bathrooms or kitchens. I’ve learned to let go of a lot of things–I’m pretty sure my floors will never stay clean for more than an hour at a time–but I’m trying to control the things I can.
It’s been tricky, especially since I’m really trying to take it easy since my “scare” last Monday. The antibiotics the OB at the hospital gave me have really helped with the nausea and flu-like symptoms I’ve had for the last few weeks, but I’ve had several more “episodes” with my vision. It seems like every good day I have is followed by a rough one. Thankfully the episodes never last terribly long, but it’s very difficult to see while I’m having one and they are usually followed by a bad headache. I know it’s so temporary, and for now I’m just grateful that they aren’t happening every day.
I’m definitely feeling more with this pregnancy than I ever did with Ruby. Last night was the second time I spent several hours tossing and turning with cramps, which I never experienced the first time around. They seem to come on in the wee hours of the morning after I’ve been laying down for several hours, and don’t alleviate until I get up and get moving in the morning. I know that that means that something is happening, but I haven’t had anything but sporadic Braxton Hicks contractions just yet.
I was a little nervous yesterday as his movements seemed to slow down a little. I know that’s normal at this stage as there’s not very much wiggle room in there, but with all the changes I’ve experienced in the last week I’m trying to keep a close eye on things. Thankfully he has more than made up for his inactivity yesterday by dancing and hiccuping the day away today.
Well, the wee bean is fast asleep and this little peanut is quiet so I think it’s time for me to turn in too. Hopefully we have an uneventful night–this mama is tired.
Until tomorrow, lovelies. Enjoy your Family Day!

One Comment
Stephanie "Mama" Hayes
Ahhh! This is making my labour seem all the more closer too. I was up all last night tossing and turning with weird pressure happening. That whole – is this is it – feeling is creeping up on me.