Piano Love*
Oh, I am tired.
I started feeling a little off the day we left P.E.I., and by the end of this week my symptoms developed into a full blown chest cold + cough. The cold itself is not terrible, but the cough is keeping me up at night.
And then of course my darling wee-bean decided that 4:30am was a glorious wake-up time today.
(I disagreed, but apparently I get no say in the matter. *sigh*)
She was probably just too excited after spending a wonderful day with her Auntie. My sister drove down yesterday morning and spent the day with us. It was a glorious, relaxing day. We chatted, ate sushi (veggie for me), found amazing deals (more on this later), ate Ramen noodles and curled up and watched a movie.
It was lovely to visit with my sister, and I am so looking forward to our trip north in a few weeks! We’ll be taking Miss Ruby to the Great White North to see her northern roots and visit with our family. I am SO excited. Whenever I’ve been away too long I feel this ache in my heart that pulls me home.
Time spent with Spart is always glorious. It makes me chuckle–when we were younger we fought like cats and dogs, and now I think she and I are the most similar and we get along so well.
We had a bit of down time yesterday afternoon between shopping and Ruby’s bedtime, and Spart decided to sit down and bond with my piano.
I neglect my piano. I do. And I really, really miss it when I don’t play. As soon as I saw her start to play, it was all I wanted to do. It’s like I forget how much I love it until someone reminds me. When I finally get a bit of down time at the end of the day I always seem to migrate to the computer or TV, and my beautiful piano sits unused.
Honestly, I just forget. I need to be better at powering down and getting back in touch with my creative side.
So, thank you for the reminder, Spart.
My piano and I have a date tonight. :)