The Wee-Bean*
Hi dears.
Woo wee! I really didn’t mean to let three weeks go by between posting, but it’s been a little busy around here. :)
If I am able to turn my computer on once every few days it’s a miracle, and even then it’s usually just for a few minutes before something else requires my attention. So, I decided to get creative. I found a handy little wordpress app for my phone, so I’m going to try writing from here for the time being and see how it goes!
As I type I have a (not so) little wee-bean snuggled against my chest. She is nearly 4 weeks old, and for the time being loves to be held while she sleeps. She is very cute and snuggly ,but it makes it a bit difficult to get anything done. She will take short naps if we put her down, but if we want her to get a good sleep one of us needs to hold her… Hence my lack of writing time. :)
But let me backtrack for a minute. I last left you with my anxieties about being induced, and I actually have another post about this… But after all that our little wee-bean finally arrived on February 14th at 10:56pm. I am writing out the details of that day, and if you’d like I can post them here– it was a wild day!
The Hubster and I had been debating back and forth between two names for months, but as soon as we met her we knew who she was. At long last, our little Ruby* was here!
Most days I wake up and I can’t believe she’s finally here… And that the Hubster and I made something so perfect. She has been a wonderful baby… She doesn’t cry much and really only fusses when she really needs something. We’ve had a few rough nights, and she has a verrrry healthy appetite (which means there are days where it feels like she is permanently attched to me) but for the most part Ruby is settling into our lives like she has always been part of our family. Life is definitely a little different (finding time to shower is beyond exciting) but it has been a wonderful adventure.
As I figure out this phone blogging thing I hope to get back to my regular writing… I’ve really missed it!
Thanks for all your kind words and patience… I hope that I’ll figure out this blogging / parenting balance soon! :)

Congratulations! She is adorable!
She’s so beautiful! Congratulations!
Date Girl
Welcome back and congratulations on your beautiful little Ruby! Please please share the details of the labor. I’m trying to mentally prepare myself for what’s ahead for me, and all the stories definitely help take some the mystery out of it!
Teacher Girl
Congrats!! She is absolutely beautiful!!