41 Weeks*
How Far Along: 41 Weeks*
Size of Baby: A Mini Watermelon
Weight Gain: 27 pounds
Movement: She is definitely moving less now that she has less space, but all things considered she’s still very active. The coolest part is now I can feel exactly what’s moving inside me–I can tell when it’s a foot bumping out, or a hand sliding across my belly, and I can always tell where her little bum is positioned. haha
She still gets the hiccups, though it’s not nearly as often. She went from having them 2 – 3 times a day to having them once every 2- 3 days.
Cravings: Oh, I would have died for a pizza last night…
Food Aversions: Nothing this week.
Symptoms: I am… round. That’s my biggest symptom. haha! My belly hasn’t really grown much in the past few weeks, but it’s still large and makes my movements pretty awkward. I have a hard time shifting positions, especially if I’m trying to sit up after lying down.
I go to the bathroom. A lot. Depending on how much I drink in the evenings, I am usually up anywhere from 3 – 4 times a night. Thankfully I’m still sleeping really well and can pass right back out after I roll back into bed.
I hurt my foot this week, and that has been all kinds of not fun. I’ve basically been immobile for the last three days while I try to mend whatever damage I did to the arch of my foot. It’s definitely getting better, but the muscles underneath are still really tender to the touch. Fun!
Belly Button Watch: Still an inny!
Baby Prep: We are pretty much prepped at this point! Her clothes are washed, her crib and bassinet are ready, and her diaper bag is already in the car. The last touch we added this week was hanging a cute moon lamp on the wall above her crib so she won’t have to sleep in the dark. :)
Contraction Watch: Yes and no. I’ve had a few bouts of good contractions, but then they stop and I don’t feel anything. I get strong contractions when I’m out walking, or when I use my breast pump.
Things Iām Thinking About: You know, I expected the wee-bean to be late, but I never really thought much about being this late. It just goes to show that you can never ever predict these things…
I’m really glad that I opened up about my anxieties surrounding being induced on Tuesday. Most of the feedback I’ve since received has been really positive, and it’s made me feel worlds better about it. So, thank you. From the bottom of my heart. I’ve felt so calm about everything until now, I hated the idea of beginning labor with all these anxious thoughts people have put in my head.
That being said, I don’t really understand why so many women love to focus on the worst / hardest parts of childbirth and life with a newborn when talking about it with others. I have a whole post on this coming soon.
The wee-bean will be here (barring complications) in two sleeps. TWO SLEEPS.
…that also means that I’ll have a daughter in two sleeps.
And that I’ll be a mother in just two sleeps.
A mom. Me.
Holy crap.