Six Months + Six Dresses*,  Thrifty Thursdays*

Six Months + Six Dresses (#2)

It’s here!! It’s finally here!!

Today is the first Thursday of April which means it’s finally time to debut Dress #2 of my Six Months + Six Dresses challenge! I feel like I’ve been waiting forever to write this post–I was expecting to post it last week, but then that dang 31st of March fell on a Thursday which meant I had to wait an extra week.

*sigh* C’est la vie!

Before I show you my new dress, I just have to say how excited I am about my Summer of Dresses project. I already have six guest bloggers lined up to show you their favourite dresses, and I’m hoping that number will grow as the summer passes! This will be an ongoing project over the next several weeks, and I hope to have my first guest make an appearance this week. SO exciting! If you’re interested, click the link and drop me a line! :)


For the past several weeks I’ve been rifling through racks searching for dresses. One thing I’ve noticed is that thrift shopping and regular shopping run on opposite schedules. When I worked in retail I always thought it was hilarious that the shoes (and clothes) always came in months before the season you’d need them for. We started getting our fall and winter boots in by the end of July. Who is thinking about boots in July? Madness.

…but it’s the opposite in thrift stores. People don’t donate their clothes until the season is over, so I’m seeing a lot of autumn and winter apparel on the racks right now. There were still “summery” dresses, but the bulk of what I’ve found has been a season behind.

I found Dress #2 at Value Village. When I saw it I fell in love with it immediately. I love how simple and versatile it is. It’s incredibly comfortable, and it’s something that I could absolutely wear to work. Now, I have to apologize in advance–our camera broke this week. It took a tumble a few weeks ago and finally died earlier this week. We haven’t had a chance to go out and get a new one yet, so these photos were taken with my blackberry camera. I’m sorry if the quality is less than fabulous!


…and the back!

Dress – $6 @ Value Village
Gap Shirt – $2 @ Goodwill
Black Flats – $5 @ Payless
Bracelet – Made by me!

And since you can’t really see the dress well in the photos (we took the picture after the sun had set — bad idea), I took a photo of it in better light for you:

I love how simple it is, and I cannot even begin to tell you how comfortable it is. The second I tried it on I knew it was perfect for me. I know it’s black, but I can easily add a splash of colour by wearing a colored shirt underneath it, or by pairing it with some fun accessories!

So lovelies, there you have it. Two down, four to go! :)

If you missed Dress #1, you can see it here!

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