New Hair*
Hi Lovelies!
I’m up in B-town right now enjoying a lovely mini holiday with my family. It’s been a wonderful visit so far, though I always miss the Hubster terribly whenever I’m away.
I’ve spent time with Mom and Big Dad, played with Pingo and Hugh (last night Pingo and I shared a bowl of “Pop Pop” and watched American Idol), and I finally cut my hair.
For the longest time cutting my hair was an absolute nightmare. When we first moved to B-town from the Great White North almost 10 years ago, I managed to find the best hairdresser here in town. His name was Jeremy and he was fantastic. And hot. Which was fun.
I went to see him for three years, and then I got married and moved away. We didn’t have a car for a long time, so getting back here was always a little more challenging. But, Jeremy worked magic with my big thick sort of curly sort of straight hair so I thought it was worth the trip.
…until I got home and found out he had left my salon. *sob*
Because Jeremy was magical, they promoted him and moved him to manage a salon almost an hour away from B-town, which would have been an impossible trip for me, coming all the way from Senior’s City.
After an appropriate grieving period, I began the search for a new stylist. A friend of mine was also a hair stylist here in town, so I started going to see her. She was great–she listened to exactly what I wanted and worked wonders with her scissors. But after a while she and her husband decided to move back up north, and my search began again. In the meantime I had some horrendous haircuts. Actually, if you’ve been reading my blog since the beginning, one of my very first entries was about an awful haircut I had just received. Looking back, it feels like a million years ago and my writing is a bit painful to read (I was new!) but it reminded me just why I don’t go to random hair salons or stylists.
Two years ago Peeah introduced me to Shauna. She works at the same salon Jeremy used to, and Peeah raved about her. Peeah has enormous red lion hair that is even thicker and wilder than mine, and if Shauna had been able to tame that beast and Peeah had been happy with the cut then I decided that she was worth a try.
I went, and I haven’t been to see another stylist since. She’s young, hip, fun and–like Jeremy–works magic with her scissors. When I went in yesterday, I confessed that it had been 6 months since my last visit. I looked like this:
Not awful, but just sad, long layers and long bangs that badly needed some help. About 5 minutes after I took that photo what little volume I had left in my hair fell and it was flat flat flat.
I went to see Shauna, and came out looking like this!
New Bangs! New Layers!
…and a crappy webcam photo, just for fun!
I have the bangs across the front today, but I can also push them to the side and wear them how I usually do if I want.
I reeeally like it. It’s a different look for me, and my hair feels about a billion tonnes lighter, even though she barely took anything off the actual length. It’s just full of layers.

Miss Gentle Nudge*
1- you look great!
2- I read the blog post before finishing this post and was going to comment on how much your writing as matured and gotten so much more captivating!! You can really tell that you’ve advanced and that it’s truly what you love to do. It’s nice to be able to see the difference, especially when other’s pick up on it too. Makes it all worth while :)
Miss Gentle Nudge*
OH and I also had the world’s greatest hair dresser…he even went out to LA to work under Ken Pave (Jessica Simpson’s friend/hairdresser)…He didnt’ get the job there because the salon didn’t want to deal with green cards etc.
He moved to Toronto and now works out of his apt because he can’t find a salon he likes enough and loves the person business and getting the money for him, not some for him some for the salon..Anyway you have to drive a few hours..i have to go to toronto! I’ve been to him twice since he’s moved, and both times I was going back to Ontario anyway (it’s not like i would ever fly to just get my hair done!)
Hey! Remember when we were hair twins…oh, about six months ago? hahaha My hair (when not in a rat’s-nest-pony-tail and hair band) looks EXACTLY like your before shot when I spend time on it.
Guess it’s time for ME to hit the salon again! O:-) hahaha
LOVE the new cut. Definitely getting my bangs re-done – I miss the few weeks of fun I had with them over my forehead.
Love the new ‘do. You’re definitely rocking it! =)
Karen Peterson
It really is amazing the difference a few layers can make.
Looks great!