Shop Girl Shares BlogTO & BeFunky*
Holy mother of pearl.
This past week has been INSANE, hence my absence from le blog. I’m so sorry for abandoning you, but I have been having major issues with my laptop and finally reformatted over the weekend (oh joy) and the Hubs and I have had a busy 3 days! We spent Saturday at the gym and at Too Kool’s house (it was his brother’s birthday dinner) and weren’t home until late. Yesterday we were at a BBQ, again, until late, and then tonight we headed back to Senior’s City to visit with a group of friends we hadn’t seen in some time and just walked in the door. It’s been a wondrous weekend, but I’m tired and I’m ready for a day at home. haha!
In other news, last week the lovely Steph over at a little birdie weds featured Our Story*! Please take a minute and go check out “How to meet and marry someone in 8 months“. I feel quite special. :)
And now, iiiiiiit’s Monday again!! I actually found one of my features LAST Monday–just after I posted my entry–and I have been dyyyying to share ever since. SO. Here we go!
#1 – BlogTO — Amazing Lightning Show Over Toronto
(image found at:
I don’t know about you, but I love me some crazy weather. I used to be terrified of thunderstorms, but now they are my absolute favourite thing. I love when wind goes crazy and the rain comes down sideways and the power flickers… so cool. We’ve been having some psycho weather up here in Toronto of late. For the past two weeks we have been in an incredibly long heatwave… today the temperature hit a high of 41°C with the humidity. A little nuts, no? July was cold and rainy, and August has been nothing but hot and humid… and with this humidity comes amazing lightning storms. BlogTO is “a web site about Toronto written by a group of obsessed artists, musicians, photographers, politicos, advertising and media types, dancers, tech geeks, food lovers, aspiring film directors, fashionistas and people for the ethical treatment of animals”. If you haven’t already figured it out, Toronto is an absolutely fascinating city and I LOVE it there. BlogTO just illustrates its awesomeness to a wider audience. :)
ANYWAY. I love storms AND BlogTO, so my life was pretty much made complete with the Hubster showed me an entry about the amazing lightning storm we had last week. The photos are ridiculous. Love it.
I also found this video of lightning striking the CN Tower. If you didn’t already know, our CN Tower is the world’s largest completed freestanding structure and it is struck by lighting 40 – 50 times each year. Kinda neat, huh?
#2 – BeFunky
(inage found at:
I know I’ve spoken about this website before, but I’ve been using it again lately and have had a few people ask about how I alter my photos, so here you go. :) BeFunky is a free online service that allows you to add special effects to your photos! You don’t have to register for anything, just upload your photos and play away! You can turn them into cartoons, make them look like ink drawings, “warholize” them, and much more! It’s pretty much awesome. You can turn this:
…into this!
How fun is that? It’s really a great way to waste several hours and create fabulous new Facebook profile photos, because really, what else could it be for?!?!
Enjoy. xo

wow – that lightening storm clip was AMAZING! especially after I turned up the volume: – the thunder actually sounded like a bowling ball in the sky! I'm not entirely sorry I missed it – I think I would have spent the night with Thomas-cat hiding under the bed!
wow – that lightening storm clip was AMAZING!
especially after I turned up the volume: – the thunder actually sounded like a bowling ball in the sky!
I'm not entirely sorry I missed it – I think I would have spent the night with Thomas-cat hiding under the bed!
Kristina P.
Hey, I met and married my husband in 8 months too! Actually, I think it was 7 1/2. :)
Kristina P.
Hey, I met and married my husband in 8 months too! Actually, I think it was 7 1/2. :)
I've seen lightning storm from time to time too, I love it. Especially if its followed by a heavy rain!
I've seen lightning storm from time to time too, I love it. Especially if its followed by a heavy rain!
Kyla Roma
I adore thunderstorms too, we have huge ones that you can see rolling into the prairies from the horizon- it's so beautiful! Congrats on the feature, that's so cool! =)
Kyla Roma
I adore thunderstorms too, we have huge ones that you can see rolling into the prairies from the horizon- it's so beautiful!
Congrats on the feature, that's so cool! =)
Lil' Woman
I love playing around with my pics on befunky!
Lil' Woman
I love playing around with my pics on befunky!
Wow, can't wait to try out that BeFunky service…how fun!I have a love/hate thing with thunderstorms and lightening. The sounds are sometimes scary, but sometimes they are completely fascinating!
Wow, can't wait to try out that BeFunky service…how fun!
I have a love/hate thing with thunderstorms and lightening. The sounds are sometimes scary, but sometimes they are completely fascinating!
Jill Pilgrim
Love the wedding photo!!! Gorgeous. :)
Jill Pilgrim
Love the wedding photo!!! Gorgeous. :)