Random Ramblings*
I love old movies. We had a terrible rainstorm this afternoon so I curled up on the couch and began watching Scarlett, the sequel to Gone With the Wind. I often abhor sequels, especially ones that have different actors from the original film, but oh, I heart Scarlett. Mind you, Clark Gable & Vivien Leigh will eternally be Rhett and Scarlett, but Timothy Dalton & Joanne Whalley do a dang fine job in the sequel. There are just some stories that need something more after the last page… Pride & Prejudice, for example. And so I watch. And love. :)
I have a little secret.
When I decided I wanted to rediscover my skinny self this summer, I realized it wasn’t going to happen without a proper motivator. Last year I wanted to be a supah sexy bridesmaid for Peeah’s wedding, and after seeing the rest of her bridesmaids I wanted to “fit in”. haha! This year, I had no such motivation. I decided I wanted to try my lose-a-pound-per-week challenge, but I needed something to kick me into gear… and then I found it.
You know how some people use photos of perfect-bodied celebrities to motivate them into losing weight? Well, that never works for me… it’s not fair. I know those people pay professionals to make them look good. So after browsing through facebook, I came across my motivator. For some time I’ve secretly “competed” with a girl I know. We travel in the same circles, and for a long time we were very similar. Then somehow she lost some weight and now she looks fabulous… and my slightly competitive nature kicked in and I want that. As shallow as this sounds, I want to look better than she does. haha! I know it sounds bad, but it’s enough to make me exercise, or say no to that extra piece of dessert. I just loo at her picture, get mad, then go for a run. It works! haha
Yesterday I made my first ever cake from scratch! The Hubs has been buying this little cake / breads from our little bakery, and I wanted to try and see if I could make them. So, yesterday I made a vanilla sponge cake and I was shocked that it actually turned out! Haha! It wasn’t quite the same as the cakes he buys, but it was faboosh none the less! It was the second time I’ve used my super-expensive mixer since I received it as a wedding gift. haaaa
I am continually amazed / perplexed / thankful when I visit blogs and see my blog listed in someone else’s blog roll. I still can’t quite believe that my little blog has taken off in the way that it has and I am so thankful that you come to read my crap my wonderfully thought-out words of wisdom. :)
I heart you.