• Daily Junk*,  Exciting News*,  Goals*

    I Did It!!

    As I sit down at my desk with my laptop to write I can’t help but shift my eyes to the window every three seconds to watch the snow. For the first time in a long time, I actually think that the snow looks really really pretty. It’s not blowing sideways and it isn’t so thick that I can’t see the buildings across the street. There are just these enormous flakes falling, gently covering absolutely everything in an endless sea of white. It looks like Christmas snow. :) Well, it’s January 31st, and this is my 34th post for the month! This is the first time in my 3 years…

  • Teaching*,  Daily Junk*

    No More Teachers, No More Books*

    Well, I’m about 20 minutes late–but technically it’ still today for me so I’m counting it as my daily post. :) I’m absolutely exhausted (I actually fell asleep on the futon and just woke up) but today was my very last day of teachers college classes. The past 5 months have been utterly exhausting and stressful… …but also absolutely wonderful. I’ve grown in ways I didn’t know possible and have learned so much. I can’t believe it flew by so quickly! On Monday I begin teaching Grade 7… eek! Wish me luck! Shop Girl* P.s. Happy birthday K & Miss Gentle Nudge!!!!