Well, I have 12 minutes left before 2007, so I thought I’d take a second to jot down some New Years Resolutions, which, by the way, I am resolved to adhere to this year. They are:
1. Excercise daily (ideally take up running again…)
2. Read the Book of Mormon at LEAST once by myself
3. …and at LEAST once with the Hubster
4. Finish what I start.
5. Reduce chocolate intake.
6. Work towards having a flat stomach
7. Practice piano daily
8. Stop procrastinating on my assignments/reading
9. Volunteer at a high school
10. Keep in touch with people I really should be
Now, I know that seems like a lot, but I’m hardcore like that. ;) I think they are all very doable, and should keep me active for the coming year. The Hubster and I are celebrating New Years on our own at home again– after a long 11 days split between our 2 families, I’m extremely thrilled about being in our cozy apartment. We spent most of the day rearranging the apartment to fit my new piano, and it looks fabulous, might I add. I think this will have to be our permanent set-up as we’re running out of places to put things. haha
Anyway, I’ll see you all in 2007. Does it blow anyone else away that it’s almost 2007? I can’t even handle it. Where did the last 7 years go? HAPPY NEW YEAR (in 5 minutes)!!!!!!!!!
Shop Girl*