Random Junk*

  • Random

    I Finally Read Harry Potter*

    Due to baby-induced nausea, I spent much of July trying to be as immobile as possible. So, I decided it was a good time to tackle a project I have long debated undertaking: reading Harry Potter. And I did. All seven. …in three weeks. Everyone I know is a Harry Potter fanatic. Not in a bad sense, but they all seem to be crazy about the books. I have lonnnnnng been encouraged to read them, but they just never appealed to me. When I gave that response in regards to Harry Potter and why I hadn’t read them, the inevitable question follows: “So, what do you like to read then?”…

  • Random

    The Best Intentions*

    Ah, it was a summer of good intentions. As the school year wound down last year, I made such big plans for the summer. Write every day! Work on my book! Tackle a bajillion house projects! Decorate everything! Buy new dresses! Read every day! Run a race! …but I got pregnant instead. :) It has been the laziest, most relaxing two months I’ve had in years. And I needed them. July was spent laying in bed or on the couch most of the day, trying to ward off waves of nausea with gingerale and crackers. All those house projects I wanted to do (remove wallpaper, paint downstairs bathroom, scrape paint…

  • Random

    An Update*

    Hi. I’ve been away for a little while. I just… needed a break. So, I took a break. From everything. From the house, from the blog, from work. I just relaxed. And it felt so good. Well, mostly good. The flu sucked. I realize that most of the world now thinks / suspects that I’m pregnant because really–who gets the flu in the summer? Let me assure you, what I experienced last week–the chills, feverish, keep no food down flu–was actually just the flu. I know it’s going around, and if I gave it to you, I’m so sorry. I can’t help it. I like to share. haha Anyway. I’m…

  • House Projects*,  Random Junk*

    Tuesday Tidbits*

    I am so ready for summer holidays. Work is beginning to slow down a little bit, and my work calls are shifting from being booked the evening (or week) before, to calls the morning of. Today I even had the morning off, and it was magical. We are still busy as bees trying to tackle projects around the house. Today the Hubster and BC tackled the fan in my kitchen that had a family of birds living in it. Seriously. He couldn’t believe how massive the next was when he pulled it out–these birds must have been building it for years. The previous owners hadn’t bothered to put a vent…

  • Random Junk*

    First Email*

    I’m blogging tonight to tell you that I will not be blogging tonight. Sort of. I’m tired. We had the craziest day. On a Sunday. Somehow I think that’s not supposed to happen, but amidst the craziness miracles were worked today! Anyway. I just had one thing on my mind that made me chuckle. As I was sending out a billion emails this afternoon, I realized how much my personal email addresses have changed. My personal email now is just my first and last name at gmail.com. Boring. Remember way back when when it was cool to have big long crazy email addresses? Ones where you used your nicknames, or…