100 Days of Gratitude*
Over the summer I participated in the Happiness Project that was circling the interwebs. All you had to do was find one thing that made you happy every day, and share that one thing with the world via a Facebook or Instagram. It was a fun little project that I enjoyed doing, even on those days when finding something happy was a little more challenging.
I finished my Happiness Project several weeks ago, and I’ve found that I’ve missed it. As cumbersome as it sometimes was to choose my happy moment, take (and edit) a photo then think of a clever caption to go with it, it also made me focus on something positive every day. I liked sharing that bit of myself with those that were following.
This season of Thanksgiving got me thinking, and I’ve decided to embark on a new project:
It’s going to work like this:
1) Find something that I am grateful for every day.
2) Take a photo of (or write a status update about) it, and
3) Share the photo / status update each day.
That’s it. The Happiness Project was amazing because it gave me time to really see all the good I have around me every day… and I’m hoping that this Gratitude Project will now allow me to give thanks for it.
I’m planning to use photos & Instagram for this project, but I’ll share them to my Facebook page so you can see them too.
I’d like to challenge YOU (yes, you) to do this with me! It won’t take more than a few minutes each day to complete, and you can either post your photos or updates to Facebook, or link up your Instagram photos. Simply add the hashtag #GratitudeProject to the end of your posts.
After all,
It’s not happy people who are thankful…
It’s THANKFUL people who are happy.
My Gratitude Project starts tomorrow… let me know if you plan to join in! I hope you will. :)