You’re Doing It Right*
To everyone who shared their stories about their babies with me last night– thank you. It helped. It’s frustrating, you know? It feels a little unfair. You do all the things you’re “supposed” to do, but still… Your baby is too small? You’re doing it wrong.Your baby is too big? You’re doing it wrong.Your baby doesn’t sleep? You’re doing it wrong.Your baby sleeps too much? You’re doing it wrong.Your baby is fussy? You’re doing it wrong.Your baby wants to be held? You’re doing it wrong. Your baby is different from this impossible standard to which we must all strive to achieve? You’re. doing. it. wrong. Except… Radical thought here. What…
Wankie Tankie*
I think one of the hardest parts of parenting is keeping a straight face when your kids unintentionally say something they don’t understand. I’m usually pretty good at it. Tonight I was not. When H was a baby, he was also quite large. His nickname is “Hank”, and he quickly became known as Hank the Tank. It stuck, and we often still use it or the spin off, Hankie Tankie. As the dinner table tonight, S was commenting on how the short forms of P’s and W’s names rhyme. Not wanting H to be left out, she decided to make a new nickname for W that could rhyme with him.…