Today was Magical*
We are finally through this round of the plague.
I somehow managed to get through unscathed. Exhausted and completely worn out, but unscathed. Today was the first day where everyone went back to their normal routines–P went back to daycare, S & H went back to school, and M went back to work.
And me? I had a day just for me and it was everything that I needed.
After I herded everyone out the door, I collapsed on the couch and I just… sat. I sat and did nothing for a good 30 minutes and it felt SO GOOD. Then I turned on my early 00’s club beats and power cleaned my main floor. I scoured my kitchen, washed the floors everywhere, cleaned my bathroom and tidied the living room. Then I went upstairs and changed three beds and started folding the laundry, all before 10am. I felt like a freaking superhero.
Then it was time to get ready to head over to my other old workplace for a little information picket duty. As part of our “work-to-rule” campaign, I am required to complete two picket duties before next week. I was able to get one done yesterday at work, and I just wanted to get the other one out of the way. It was also nice to see a few familiar faces that I haven’t seen in a while.
From there, I decided I had earned a little shopping spree after playing super-mom/nurse all week. I headed over to VV for a little thrifting, and found myself some new ankle boots, three shirts, new mittens, some pajamas for P and new slippers for H… all for $35. Have I mentioned how much I love thrifting!?
Then I decided to duck into Dollarama to buy some new toothbrushes because I threw them ALL out after this sickness. I really intended to only buy toothbrushes. I didn’t even get a cart because I was only going to buy toothbrushes.
…but then I found ALL THE THINGS and went and got a cart. They had huge jugs of Jergens cream for less than half the price I normally pay, then they had some other really cute things that I picked up for stocking stuffers and other random gifts. Before I knew it I spent $50 and had the world’s biggest bag. Oops!
I decided that was enough shopping and came home to put my feet up for a bit. I started my next Netflix Christmas movie, The Knight Before Christmas, which was probably the cheesiest one I’ve watched yet… which means it was AWESOME and I loved every minute of it. Next please!
My day of solitude and merriment came to and end, and I picked up the kids and made homemade fish and chips for the first time. They actually turned out really well! I was a little nervous about the batter, but it crisped up beautifully and I made a mean tartar sauce to go with it.
Really, today was a day where I finally felt like I got my house under control and I had a minute to breathe. It was SO nice. I mean, it would have been good to work too, but sometimes the universe gets that I just need a day.
Anyway, I still have some laundry I want to finish folding before I crawl into bed… who knew Friday nights could be so glamorous?? ;)