Running*,  Goals*

I Love October*

{via: here}

I love October.

There is something so magical about this month, and it’s full of so many things that I love–General Conference, Thanksgiving (Hooray Canada!), Hallowe’en, sweaters & scarves, changing colors, apple crisp and so much more.

I’m still in a bit of denial that it’s already October, but I’m very glad it’s here.

This year, October also has something else I’m very excited about: my second race! Tomorrow I am participating in CIBC’s Run for the Cure and I can’t wait.

(Also, I accidentally write “run for the cute” every. single. time. Ugh.)

The Hubster and the kiddos are coming with me again, and this time we’re also running with a small team of friends. I’m still fairly positive that I will be the slowest of our bunch, but I’ve learned not to care about silly things like that. I’m really starting to see the progress that I’ve made with my running and it is SO thrilling for me.

When I started the couch to 5km program seven weeks ago, I was winded after running a series of one minute intervals. My average pace was roughly 9 minutes per kilometer, and running was hard. This week I ran for 27 minutes straight before I took a breather, and this week my average pace is sitting just above or below 7 minutes. I wouldn’t say that running is “easy” yet, but it’s definitely easier… and much more enjoyable.

Three weeks ago I ran my first race, and I finished it in just under 40 minutes. My goal for tomorrow is 37 minutes… but my secret goal is 35. Keep your fingers crossed for me, lovelies! I want to try and push myself a little further, especially since some wonderful people are supporting me and have donated towards this wonderful cause in my name. (Thank you!!!)

I’m really excited to “kick off” October with another race… here’s to another month of getting back in shape!

(This could prove to be difficult though, since I plan to  eat turkey, apple crisp and pumpkin pie EVERY SINGLE DAY. Or something like that.)

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One Comment

  • pinkflipflops44

    So proud of you! I am hoping to restart my fitness/healthy eating tomorrow. I have a plan, I’ve prepped food and I’m ready to go!