Christmas Cards*
Ah, the holiday season.
I’ve been as busy as a bee trying to complete all my Christmas prezzies as my family is having our Christmas a little early this year. The Hubs, Ruby & I will be heading to the Great White North to spend the holidays with my 97 year old Grandmother, so my immediate family won’t all be together. We thought it would be fun to get together for a day before so that we could at least all see each other and hang out during our favourite season.
(And eat really, really ridiculous amounts of glorious food.)
So, because my siblings will be opening their gifts early, I’ll be able to show you what I’ve been up to before Christmas is here! If you’re stuck for an idea for someone, the gifts I made are cute, easy and I’m kind of in love with them. Maybe they’ll inspire you. :)
In between my Christmas crafting, I’ve been trying to get our yearly Christmas letters ready to mail. I finally completed our poem, now we just need to get our photos and envelopes organized. We send out over 50 letters so it’s a big job and I love doing it… but sometimes while I’m sealing my 47th envelope I fantasize about how easy it would be to just get photo cards printed to pop in the mail.
No muss, no fuss.
I was peeking at minted. and they just make Christmas card-ing look so… easy. I played around with some of their styles on their Holiday Cards page, and it’s easy as pie to upload your photos and try out their various layouts. The prices are actually quite reasonable, so you won’t have to break your bank just to wish your second cousin twice removed a Merry Christmas.
But that’s not even my favourite part.
They will print your recipient addresses on the envelopes. For free.
Addressing envelopes is my least favourite job in the world. (Well, after cutting Ruby’s nails. Ugh.) And for free? I am converted.
If you are on the fence about whether or not to send out Christmas cards or not this year, just go take a peek. I’m not even sure if I’d be able to choose… but I’m kind of in love with the “It’s a Wonderful Life” card!