The Hallowee-bean*
So, let’s just pretend that Hallowe’en was like… yesterday.
Because in my head, it actually was.
The past 10 days or so have been a complete whirlwind. I have about 8 unfinished blog posts sitting in a list that I just haven’t been able to get to because things have just been stupidly busy. My darling wee-bean has been a bit of a night owl these past two weeks. Instead of her regular 6:30pm bedtime, she has been up partying until 10:30 – 11pm.
…and of course by partying I mean needing her momma as we deal with some separation anxiety issues and big time teething.
Speaking of which, her first tooth FINALLY came through Friday night!
It was five months in the making, but she now has a very tiny and cute tooth on her bottom. She is also finally having a good sleep. She went out at 7:15 and has barely made a peep.
So, my usually free evenings have been full of snuggles while I comforted Ruby, thus my writing time vanished.
Which is why I haven’t told you about my days back at work, the Hubster’s eye surgery, our first date out since the wee-bean arrived or my search for new teacher shoes.
Worst of all, I haven’t posted pictures of the wee one in her Hallowe’en costume(s).
Which, really, is the worst offense of all.
So, without any further ado… I give you the Hallowee-bean!

And last, but not least:

How was Ruby’s first Hallowe’en, you ask? What exciting things did we do?
We played on the floor and watched the Wiggles. haha! After dinner I had her half in her costume before she started getting tired and upset. I had planned to take her down to visit our neighbours, but when I saw she wasn’t in the mood I threw in the towel and hoped for an early bedtime instead.
(She obviously interpreted this to mean 10pm.)
So, it wasn’t our most exciting Hallowe’en, but at least she looked cute for the 10 minutes I got her to model her costumes.
Hopefully we are over the teething hump for a bit and I can fill you in on some of our adventures. I am currently on the hunt for some new fun work shoes, and I’m not even sure where I want to start!
It’s my favourite kind of dilemma. :)
Anyhoo, I hope your Hallowe’en was wonderful and that you’re getting more sleep than me.
Speaking of which, my kid is in bed, so… time for bed.

One Comment
Teacher Girl
She is so adorable! Hope you get some alone time soon!