Remember Me?
Hi lovelies.
It’s a grey, rainy afternoon and I finally found myself with my arms free for the first time in weeks. I know I kind of fell off the face of the earth for a while, but I do have an explanation.
Over a month ago I left you with part two of my wee-bean story. I do intend to finish it, but I took a deliberate hiatus from writing it. You see, as I was writing part three, we received news that someone very close to us had lost her full-term baby. Then, just four days later I learned that another friend had miscarried her baby as well… and she too was several months along. Suddenly I felt like it was selfish for me to be telling my story–complaints and all–when I had my little wee one, regardless of how she got here. I would like to finish her birth story, but I just needed to give it some time.
And I needed to hold her tightly for several days straight.
…but by doing that I think I squeezed her love for naps right out of her. For the past couple of weeks Ruby and I have been at war. She woke up once day and decided that naps are for little babies, and since she is now a big girl of almost 3 months, she no longer needs them.
For days and days she would only nap in short 30 minute bursts, never getting the sleep she needed. So, by 6 or 7pm my sweet little baby would turn into a cute little crankpot who was desperately overtired. My “hands-free” time suddenly disappeared, and what time I would have loved to have spent writing was filled with trying to keep my house from looking like a bomb blew up inside it.
I am slowly getting her back into napping through a steady routine that she seems to be adapting to. As I write she is curled up in our bed fast asleep. Life is good.
I am hoping to figure in some writing time into our new schedule, and I hope that another huge blog break won’t ever happen again. I have so much to tell you… like the mushroom I found growing out of my baseboard. Exciting!
Well my lovelies, thanks for sticking with me through the last few months. I hope I’m back for good this time. :)

I have totally been there. I remember all too well my daughter’s 2.5-month nap strike. She also would only sleep in 30-minute bursts and it was horrible. Please be warned, this happened to us again at 4 months and again at 17 months. It’s brutal every time, but it does pass. I’m told that sleep training during these periods is totally ineffectual and it’s only after they start sleeping a little longer on their own that training can be effective, which helped me to relax a little and know that it wasn’t because I was doing anything wrong – just her having trouble sleeping during a time of huge developmental leaps. Enjoy the routine while it lasts, hopefully a good long time!
jamie lynn nault
I am so glad to see you are back, I come on often to see if you have found the time to get back around to writing, I understand what a struggle it can be to find time for yourself with little ones around. I have 3 of my own and I run a daycare from home so free time here is hard to come by on most days. Its also a struggle to tear yourself away from the snuggly little wee ones as well, they have a tendency to make you do nothing but cuddle with one little smirk, smile or coo, enjoy those moments cause they are gone too soon…glad to hear you are enjoying little Ruby so much and motherhood in general….
Date Girl
I’m so sorry to hear of your friend’s loss at full term. My heartbreak was huge-I can only imagine what hers was at full term.
Don’t feel guilty about sharing your story. I am anxious to hear the end. I’m so so glad you have your Ruby to hold in your arms. I’m also glad to hear she’s sleeping better. I bet you’re both relieved!
Thank you for being so sensitive to your friends…..I am definitely interested in reading part 3 of your birth story. And if you have some interest, extra time on your hands, and a box of tissues, I have just finished writing mine. Regardless of our varying challenges, I know these experiences are ultimately for our learning and growth and are personally designed by a loving Father in heaven.
Anytime you need a little help with her, please call on me. I have waiting and loving arms that ache to hold a little one.
Teacher Girl
I can only imagine the tough situation you have been in for the past few weeks. Finding out that those close to you lost their children, especially given the birth of your own daughter, must have been tough. I imagine being a new mom is tough too. Just know that your readers are here, and we support you! I look forward to you blogging again =)