A Summer of Dresses: Lacey*
I intended to post this yesterday, but we got caught up in our Saturday activities, and I actually went out last night.
For real.
I went out and saw some of my friends from my first university (Ghetto U) and it was fabulous. My beautiful friend Star is getting married this summer and last night we went out to celebrate and help her raise some money for her wedding.
Today I am introducing you to my lovely friend Lacey. Lacey is a friend of mine that I actually met through my book club! She is not a “blogger”, but she asked if she could participate in my Summer of Dresses Project and I was thrilled to say yes! If you’re interested in showing off your favourite dress, details are below Lacey’s super cute dress!
Hi everyone! I’m Lacey.
I bought this dress about two years ago. At the time, I was very conservative in my wardrobe, always buying the same style of clothes in the same colours. I was shopping one day with my mom and as I was in the change room finishing up, my mom brought me this dress and said she thought it might be “cute”. Since it was on the clearance rack and a great deal she thought I should try it on. She passed it over the door, and when I saw it, I actually thought my mom was maybe a little crazy…it wasn’t like anything I owned and not really my style, but I decided to humour her.
As soon as I put it on, i knew it fit perfectly, but it was one of those change rooms that doesn’t have a mirror so it wasn’t until I came out and saw it in the mirror that I fell in love. Even though this dress is maybe a little colourful or bold (for me), and completely different from what I would normally choose, I love wearing it. The best part is that it was only $10 and I got an additional 20% off.
I usually wear this dress to work, and I usually keep the jewelry simple because I think the dress is pretty spectacular all on its own. I love wearing dresses in general, because I like the idea that with only one piece of clothing you look completely “put together”, but I especially like this dress because it marked a change in the way I shop and buy clothes. Since I bought this dress, I have started taking other chances with my wardrobe and trying new styles or colours. I no longer judge things by how they look on the hanger, but generally give items a chance and try them on and I am so happy with the results that this new approach has had on my wardrobe.
The Project
If you’re interested in being featured with your favorite dress, here’s what you need to do:
1) Take a photo of you in the dress.
2) Write a brief blurb / post that includes the following:
–Introduce yourself
–Why do you love THIS dress?
–Where did you get it?
–How do you accessorize it?
–Where do you wear it?
3) Email it to me at [email protected]
…and that’s it! Easy as pie. I hope to hear from you soon!!
The Summer of Dresses: The Ladies*
Julie Bee*

Last night, you met up with your dear friend Bo
You saw each other at Star’s Stag and Doe
With shrimp on our plate
You stayed out so late
And we had a fabulous night fo sho!
Shop Girl*
I loved this poem. More please.
i love it