The Biggest Loser Challenge*

A few weeks ago I introduced you to my lovely Book Club ladies.
I can’t even begin to tell you how awesome it is to have girl friends again… we have our monthly get togethers, but we often do movies or dinners in small groups in between.
And at our last meeting, we decided to take on another challenge with our monthly reading: The Biggest Loser.
I am a long-time fan of the show. I know it’s not perfect and I know it’s just TV, but I find it so motivating… and heaven knows I need a little motivation right now. October marked the heaviest I have ever been and I am so ready to get this weight off. My clothes aren’t fitting well, and I feel like I’m trying to hide myself all the time. I want to feel comfortable in my own body again.
So, I am reeeeeally excited about this. Here’s how it works:
Every Friday is “weigh in” day. We all do this individually, calculate our percentage of weight loss, then post it in the Facebook group we created for it. We all have different goals, so rather than measuring by pounds lost, calculating the percentage equals out the playing field.
The challenge is running until the end of January, when the person with the highest percentage of weight loss will win.
The Prize: at the end of the challenge, we’re all going to get dressed up and go see a show in The City, and the winner will get to go for free–everyone else has to chip in and pay for their ticket.
Kinda fun, right?
There are five of us in the challenge right now, and it’s so motivating to see what everyone else is doing to lose weight or get in shape. Not to mention that I am insanely competitive and it pushes me to stay on track.
Tomorrow is weigh in #2, and I’m excited. I lost 3 pounds last week, and I know I’ve lost at least another 2 so far this week. Saturday will be two weeks that I’ve been off chocolate (again) and I’ve really been trying to eat better. I’m trying not to eat after dinner, and to choose better snack foods for those cravings between meals. I’d really like to start running again, but I haven’t quite motivated myself there yet. haha
It just feels nice to be working towards something, and to not be alone while I do it.
Any tips for me?

Karen Peterson
I finally had to accept the fact that I really have to reduce my carbs. Sad face.
As for the running, my only suggestion would be to find a 5K or something that interests you and train for it.
Date Girl
Ok now I’m even more jealous of your book club. How FUN! I really need this kind of motivation. I’m not the heaviest I’ve ever been, but I’m definitely packing on the pounds I lost for the wedding. I’m pretty competitive too and I’d love that kind of motivation. Good luck with your weight loss goals girlie. You can do it!!