New Blog Stuff*
Seeing as everything was closed yesterday and I didn’t feel like doing much of anything, I spent a while finding some new fun things for my blog. This background is only temporary–I thought I’d be festive for New Years–but I did find some other fun things that I’ll be keeping around!
For example, for any of you facebook users, I found out how to make a “facebook badge”! The one I have on my right sidebar connects to my fan page when you click it, but you can connect them to your profile as well! All the instructions are HERE, and it was pretty easy.
I’ve also added Twitter to my blog! Twitter is a free social networking and micro-blogging service that allows its users to send and read other users’ updates (otherwise known as tweets). I really like it… it’s like blogging, but in only a sentence or two, and allows me to update my followers with what I’m working on on a more regular basis. You should really try it out… and then you can add me! My Twitter name is “shopgirll”, so don’t be shy. If you do decide to try it out, Firefox users should also download the add-on Twitterfox, which incorporates Twitter right into your browser. I heart it! If you want to see what it looks like, just glance over at my sidebar and that’s a little snippet of it!
I also spent a while figuring out Blogger’s newish “blog follower” thing, and it’s actually really cool. Some of you (bloggers that I know read my blog, and I read yours) may have received a notice that I am now “following” your blog. Before I didn’t see what all the fuss was about, but the neatest thing is that now when I log into blogger and get to the dashboard page, I can see the most recent post titles (and snippets) of the blogs I read so I can see exactly who has updated without going from blog to blog! I also have a little gadget on my sidebar for my blog followers, so if you’re a fellow blogger who reads mine, you should try it out! To follow this blog, you can simply slick “follow this blog” on my sidebar, or you can add blogs on your dashboard. All the explanations can be found HERE, but it’s pretty simple. :)
Last but not least, I went exploring yesterday in search of new blogs to read!! I found a couple very interesting ones, but I am always looking for new blogs to enjoy! So, if you’d like me to stop by your site, please just leave me a link and I’ll come by and check’er out!
Shop Girl*