A Wonderfully Unproductive Saturday*
I love Saturdays.
It is really the only day of the week that is absolutely free. Monday – Fridays are full of school & assignments, and Sunday is church and preparing for the week ahead. Saturday is just Saturday. I like that.
So, in my head I like to plan out how I’ll spend them… you know, so I can use my time wisely and be really productive. This is how I planned out today:
8:00 – Wake up
9:00 – Gym
12:00 – Lunch with the Hubster
2:00 – Clean apartment
3:00 – Laundry
5:00 – Dinner
6:00 – Complete assignments due next week.
10:00 – Bed
So very productive, no? This how today actually went.
10:30 – Wake up, laze in bed a little longer. (most days I am out of bed by 7am)
10:45 – 1:00 – Read in bed, slowly get ready for the day.
1:00 – Lunch with my love! We had a fabulous sushi lunch downtown.
2:00 – Shop for teacher shoes downtown… end up buying a new game we can play together and another secret purchase that I am REALLY REALLY excited about. (!!!!!!)
3:00 – Come home and read again. (I really love this Amish series I am reading. SO interesting!)
5:00 – Clean up my living room & vacuum. Finally. (Have meant to do this all week but was a little preoccupied…)
6:00 – Dinner & catch up on 24. (…isn’t this season AMAZING? I’m sooo hooked!!!!)
7:30 – Curl up on the couch and play games with the Hubster… :)
9:00 – Sit at my computer, staring blankly at screen wondering what I should write about today.
…and here I am. I think my day was so much better than what I planned out… I love “date days” / spending time with the Hubster. We try hard to have a date night / day at least one day a week were we actually go out and do something together. It doesn’t always happen due to our busy (& often conflicting) school schedules, but we always make a point to spend time together. Our latest tradition is sitting down for dinner and watching Frasier together. We both absolutely love the show and have been watching through the seasons together. I think he’s beginning to enjoy it more than I do!
I hope your day was as unproductively fabulous as mine. :)
Shop Girl*