Daily Junk*


I didn’t want to let the first of April go by without at least posting something… so here I am. :)

Today was… blah. I received my first rejection letter from teacher’s college last night so I’m waiting to hear from the other two. It wasn’t my first choice so I’m not TOO broken up about it.. but it’s never nice to get those. My application was deemed ineligible because apparently I was missing something.

To counter that blahness, it was 12°C today and for the first time in months I didn’t wear a jacket. Goodbye snow… hello spring. :)

I also heard back from the job that I really really want this summer and I was offered an interview! Keep your fingers crossed for me!

I’m plugging through my essay that I hate more than life itself. I’m over the halfway hump. I want to finish tonight… we’ll see.

I know this is short and terribly unexciting, but I hope you all had a wonderful first of April. :)

Shop Girl*

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