Our Story

Chapter Twelve* My Prediction

This is the story of how my husband and I met, got engaged, and were married within 8 months…

…and lived happily ever after*

At the end of my last chapter, I told you that wrote something in my journal that ended up being true. I ended up cutting it out of my journal and pasting it into the memory book we started making before we got married. I promise you that I have changed nothing except the names. When I wrote this we had been dating for just over 2 weeks:

Tuesday, February 8th, 2005 (3:45pm)
I only have a few minutes before my next class, but I decided to sit down for a minute and write anyway. There’s nothing terribly new since yesterday… I talked to the Hubster again last night and already once today! It’s SO weird… I’ve dreamt about him almost every night too! I’ve never been like this with someone before… there’s no holding back. I know I’m already completely falling for him, and I’m nervous, excited, and ecstatic all at the same time. I think he just might be the one I marry. Imagine that? Someday (after we’re married, or engaged) I’ll let him read this. Maybe. If he’s lucky. He’s going to think I’m absolutely crazy… not that he doesn’t already… haha!! But thing is, I AM crazy… crazy about him!!

We got engaged 5 weeks later. :)

P.s. Thank you to those who joined my page on facebook… if you haven’t yet, please do! :)

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