Cool Stuff*

  • Cool Stuff*

    A Little Funny For You*

    As you know, for the last two weeks I’ve been spending much less time on Facebook. I’m happy to report that I actually don’t find that I miss it all that much. I’m not off it completely–I still check my own profile page and occasionally see what’s at the top of the newsfeed when I’m clicking past, but I no longer dwell there. And I actually find that I feel much better. I find that I’m comparing myself and my life to others much less, and I’m really happy about that. For me, the biggest help letting go was deleting the Facebook application off my phone. I didn’t really realize…

  • Cool Stuff*

    Call The Midwife*

    I think I could have lived quite happily in the 1950s. As I progress further with this pregnancy, I find that I’m completely worn out after we get Ruby settled and into bed. So, I’ve been trying to put my feet up a little, and have spent the last few evenings curled up on the couch watching “Call the Midwife”. My mom has been trying to get me to watch this show for ages, but for whatever reason I just kept dragging my heels. I knew very little about it, and in my head I assumed it would be some kind of trashy show like “Sixteen and Pregnant” (though the…

  • Cool Stuff*,  Exciting News*

    A Little Project*

    So, I’ve been working on a little something. I actually started it last winter, but then I landed my LTO and all the free time I had went out the window. I finally decided to finish it this summer, and I think it’s almost ready to show you. I know that the “blogging world” is a little foreign to some of you… but it’s a much bigger place than my little corner of the internet. There are some amazing online “communities”, where you can connect with other writers and find people with similar interests to you. It’s a great way to network, and it’s been through these communities that I’ve…

  • Cool Stuff*

    Christmas Cards*

    Ah, the holiday season. I’ve been as busy as a bee trying to complete all my Christmas prezzies as my family is having our Christmas a little early this year. The Hubs, Ruby & I will be heading to the Great White North to spend the holidays with my 97 year old Grandmother, so my immediate family won’t all be together. We thought it would be fun to get together for a day before so that we could at least all see each other and hang out during our favourite season. (And eat really, really ridiculous amounts of glorious food.) So, because my siblings will be opening their gifts early,…

  • Cool Stuff*

    Wasp Traps & Soap Scum*

    Woo-wee! Time is moving so quickly that I swear I’m losing a day or two here and there. Apparently it’s September already, but I’m not sure I believe it. It’s still a bajillion degrees outside during the day, and being on maternity leave is like being in a little bubble where time ceases to exist. Anyway. Isn’t that a pretty title for a blog post? I’ve been in a do-it-yourself / crafty mood lately, and google has become my good friend. I’ve been trying to find solutions to problems around my house, and so far I’ve had some huge successes! Example #1: Wasps* I think we have a wasp nest…