
Dear people that I don’t know all that well,

I am so grateful to be able to have some interactions with the public again. We’ve been cooped up for so long, and we love going for walks or for an occasional trip to the store. That being said, I have a favor to ask, and I know it’s tricky because I think it’s engrained in our nature:

Please don’t touch my baby.

This makes me so uncomfortable to ask, but we are in the middle of a pandemic, and my beautiful son is only three months old. I know his hands and arms are deliciously rolly, but he often puts them in his mouth. When you touch his hands, as well meaning as it may be, you are essentially putting whatever germs that are on your hands into his mouth. I know it’s hard, especially because he’s so happy and he will smile at you with his whole heart.

…but please, don’t touch my baby.

I know that smile and his crinkled blue eyes make you want to hold him. There are few things in life more special than snuggling a baby. But if he is in my arms, please don’t come into my bubble and put your hands on his back to take him while you ask to hold him. Please stay back, ask first, or wait for me to offer. And if I say no, please accept that. I know you mean well, but the only way I manage my anxiety in this pandemic is being a mama bear with my children. I keep the circle of people who have held him very small.

I am so grateful that you are kind and mean well. You are welcome to talk and smile back at a safe distance. Hands free.

Please understand, this is more about me than you. I’m just trying to do all that I can to protect my beautiful rainbow baby and get through this pandemic safely.

So please… don’t touch my baby.


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