Complaining about something*

Still Tired*

Well, I’m happy to report that I’m feeling a little more alive today.

I slept terribly last night and woke up feeling exhausted, so I was a bit worried that my day at work wouldn’t go well. I could barely keep my eyes open while I got ready, but I’ve been walking to work the last two days and the cold was so shocking that I came to life in a hurry.

The weather this morning was absolutely unbelievable. It started snowing sometime last night and we woke up to a winter wonderland, complete with messy, terrible road conditions. I bundled up and made my way to work, only to find a half-empty school. All of the buses were running late, the office was staffed by teachers and guidance counselors who had made it in before the secretaries, and half the staff was still trying to fight their way into work. I ended up covering part of first period for a teacher who ended up being quite late. Someone told me that their usual 25 minute commute took them an hour and 20 minutes today.

Today I taught in the same department as I did yesterday, but I was in for a different teacher. Yesterday I got to play “Business Department Head” and had two prep periods to spend reading and assisting in my favourite special education class. This time I was in for a different teacher, and while I only had one prep today it was still a great day. I watched Taken in one class, and got to teach a really great lesson in another. The more I teach business classes the more I really enjoy them. I’d really like to take some courses to be able to add it to my list of teachables someday.

After work I trudged home through the snow and collapsed on the couch. I laid down for what I thought would be 10 minutes… and woke up over an hour later. I find that the sickness hits me the worst after I’ve been resting–when I keep busy I find I can push the exhaustion down, but once I sit it hits me like a ton of bricks. I hope I can sleep this off tonight! I’m so tired of being… tired.

Anyway, it’s bed time for me… I went to bed just after 10 last night and couldn’t fall asleep until almost 12:30. Fingers crossed that I’ll pass right out tonight!

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