My thoughts*,  Goals*

Following Through*

Well, it’s almost here.

On December 29th, I finally got my act together and wrote my first blog post in over a month. I made a goal to write every day from then on until the end of January… and I’m almost there. Tomorrow is January 31st, and barring the loss of my fingers in the next 24 hours, I will have written every single day since I set this goal for myself.

I’ll be completely honest: I really didn’t think I could do it. My blogging record for 2010 was less than impressive, and while I’m wonderful at setting goals for myself…

…I’m terrible at following through. (for reals.)

But I really, really missed writing, I just couldn’t find the motivation to do so, and this little challenge really helped me push myself. I went from staring at a blank screen wondering what to write about, to having to keep a list of post titles near my laptop as I keep thinking of more things I can’t wait to tell you. I already have enough post ideas to get me most of the way through February… and you should probably be excited.

I may or may not tell you about the time I may or may not have cried at a Rob Zombie concert.

Yeah, that might have happened. (Shh.)

Anyway, the point is–blogging has found its sneaky way back into my heart. Sitting down to write has become one of my favourite parts of my day.

Writing = love.

Thanks for being here while I’ve tried to bring this baby back to life. According to Google analytics, in the past month my readership has tripled (and is still growing) and I’m even getting a comment or two on my posts again.

So, I’ve decided to keep going. I’m going to try and write every day in February and see if I can keep doing this. It feels so good to have completed a goal I set for myself.

I’m also going to set another one. Remember that time last spring when I tried the sugar-free, yeast-free diet? I made it for about two weeks before I gave in… I started supply teaching in the middle of it and found it too difficult to maintain while I was working two jobs.

…but I felt awesome while I was doing it, and I lost 4 pounds in 3 days just by changing my eating habits. So I’m going to try it again. I’m going to start small, and take it a week at a time. So, my goal is to be sugar and yeast free for the first week of February. This is what I’ll be doing:

**Week One:

-No Processed Sugar. I realize that sugar is in almost everything, so this week I’m focusing on cutting out the crap. No baked goods, no chocolate, no sugary drinks, no candy, etc.
-No Yeast. I’m saying goodbye to bread and anything else made with white flours and yeast. If I’m dying I’ll eat whole grain products.
-No Starchy foods. This one breaks my heart, but it includes saying goodbye to potatoes and corn, two of my favourite foods.
-Limited Dairy products (no cheese)

I keep a food journal and record everything that I eat and drink. If I can survive week one, I’ll try for week two, then go from there. I will write about my progress and I may complain (a lot) but I want to try it. Want to try it with me? :)
So those are my two goals for February. It’s the second month of the year, so I thought that was kind of appropriate. Wish me luck!!!!

Oh, and before I go, I absolutely have to say a huge HAPPY BIRTHDAY to Miss Gentle Nudge. She is a friend and has been a long-time reader, and she often pushes me to write when it’s been a while. (that’s how she got her blog name… haha) Even when I thought that absolutely no one still read my blog, she convinced me otherwise. THANK YOU, and I hope you have had the most wonderful birthday. xo

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One Comment

  • Miss Gentle Nudge

    I looooove you!!!!!!! That seriously made my night!! I had hoped for a lil shout out cause I asked you last year but decided to be more modest this year hah. Anyway you went above and beyond!! Thank you!!!!! Also I’m super excited fo your February goals :) I know you can do them! Oh one more thing, I’m definitely reading and typing this on my iPhone hahah shows you how much I’m addicted to your blog, I have to read it on my phone!