• Complaining about something*,  Random Junk*

    Hair Rules*

    I cut my hair today. I have long very thick not quite curly but not quite straight hair that often drives me nuts, but for the past couple of years I somehow became a bi-annual hair chopper. I had it in my head that if it wasn’t six months since my previous hair cut, I didn’t need a new one. Hah. I cut my hair in early December at a salon I know (and trust) in Btown. I went in with the idea that I needed to cut off a couple of inches to lighten the weight and I wanted trim my bangs. Pretty simple, no? I got in there,…

  • Daily Junk*


    What a week. I cannot ever remember a time when I have felt this exhausted… (mind you, I bet if I looked back on my blog to the ol‘ essay & exam seasons I’d probably find one… haha!). I am actually in bed writing so that I can sleep the second after “publish post” has been clicked. Tonight I am writing to you from my parent’s home in B-Town–I decided to take a last minute trip home to visit Mom & Big Dad / get some pants hemmed (Mom has a “guy” who does alterations for really cheap). I needed seven pairs hemmed so that I can stop wearing the…

  • Cool Stuff*

    Young @ Heart*

    A while back a friend of mine sent me a link to a youtube video. When the video began to play and I saw a bunch of old people sitting on a stage, I thought “Oh geez… she videotaped her grandpa’s senior’s home Christmas concert?!” and I nearly turned it off. …but as my mouse slid toward the “x”, that group of old people began to sing and I was completely, utterly and wholly blown away. I spent the next hour watching every clip I could find on Young @ Heart, a New England Senior Citizen’s Chorus (who have become so famous that a feature film has been made about…

  • Complaining about something*

    Must. Sleep. Now*

    This week needs to be over. Like right now. I am so so so tired. It has been an INSANE week!!! My associate teacher (AT) has already been away two days this week, which means the amount of planning and organizing I do triples. I have the unfortunate disadvantage of needing to learn all these subjects before I can teach them, so it takes me forevvvvvver to plan lessons. *sigh* It’s not all bad though–when I’m on my own (with a supply teacher being paid to sit at the back and watch me) it becomes my class… and I get to know the students on a different level / gain…

  • Cool Stuff*

    Stupider People*

    I actually posted this a lonnnnng time ago, but I felt that it was time to bring this back. Every day I am aghast at what I see and have to wonder: “What the heck were you thinking?!” And so, I turn to this because it makes me smile each and every time I read it. I hope you love it like I do. :) Stupid People – by Andy Rooney “Stupid people should have to wear signs that just say, ‘I’m Stupid.’ That way you wouldn’t rely on them, would you? You wouldn’t ask them anything. It would be like, Excuse me…oops…never mind, didn’t see your sign.’ “It’s like…